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Seminar with Dr. Michal Yakir about „The table of plants“
What is the Plants Table?
Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.
Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.
The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.
About Dr Michal Yakir
Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.
In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).
Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.
Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants
Confluence and the leap from the rational to the absurd, new video cases
However much interesting and convoluted is the conscious state of the patient, it is but a façade to cover-up and keep away from the true ‚TWIST IN THE TALE‘ which lies but in the unconscious.
It is the survival mechanism of the intellect to prevent the unconscious from merging into the conscious, how then can we fathom staying in the conscious and surmising through our intellect what must lie in the unconscious?
Over years now I have come to the conclusion albeit reluctantly that as a homoeopathic process the only method I see today that takes us to the unconscious and hence to the spontaneous, unprejudiced, unforeseen Twist in the tale is the Leap to the simillimum.
The scientific, unprejudiced method that leaps with the patient over the wall of the conscious thought into the unconscious , confluencing the STATE WITH THE SIMILLIMUM, nay not just with the simillimum but the very SOURCE OF THE SIMILLIMUM.
Drawn again and again to the creativity that symbolizes Berlin Mareen and I endevour to bring deep pathologies, acute illnesses interesting remedies both common and rare.
From vitiligo to warts Diabetes to infertility Urticaria to asthma Staphyloccus to psoriasis
We will explore the unconscious of Coconucifera,[Arecacea] sinapis nigra[Cruciferae] Amaranthaceae Metals like Selenium, Bronze, Cobaltum Corrosives like Ammon causticum, Acetic acid Insects like Apis and Pulex Irritans.
Together we will unravel the twists in the state.
The Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
About Dr Mahesh Gandhi (India, Mumbai)
Dr Mahesh Gandhi graduated as M.D. (Psychiatry) in Modern Medicine in 1981. With a passion for teaching, He has taught in Hospitals and Medical Colleges for almost 10 years. He has written a book in Psychiatry, which is very popular amongst the undergraduate medical students. Dr Gandhi was an Honorary and Head of Psychiatry Department in a prestigious medical college in Bombay, but resigned to pursue an interest in Homoeopathy. He also co-authored many books on subjects related to Psychiatry (not on homoeopathy). Dr Gandhi has been very closely associated with Dr Rajan Sankaran for more than 15 years. Dr Gandhi is a part of his team and has been a speaker in many Homeopathy Seminars arranged for Indian and foreign students. Because of Dr Gandhi’s background in Psychiatry, he has had an opportunity to treat many psychiatric cases. This has given him tremendous insight into the homoeopathic treatment of psychiatry related cases. Dr Gandhi has lectured extensively on Psychiatry & Homeopathy in many cities of India. Dr Gandhi is a popular international speaker on this topic and visits various countries around the world to give seminars, like USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), South Africa, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. He has been conducting lectures regularly in most of these countries. For the past few years, he has students who come from various countries to India and sit in his clinic for some weeks, to gain clinical experience in Homoeopathy. Dr Gandhi has been appointed as a mentor and a PG guide in Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy- London from 2009 to 2012. Dr Gandhi is now in the process of finishing writing his book in Homoeopathy to share some of his experiences in the field of Psychiatry.
About Dr Mahesh Gandhi’s Seminar
Patients with mental illness present particular challenges to the homoeopath, not least because of the necessity of collaboration with allopathic practitioners. However, mental illnesses are almost as prevalent as heart disease and cancer, so we can expect to see an increasing number of these patients. It is incumbent on us to be prepared. As an experienced homoeopath with a specialist allopathic background, Dr Mahesh Gandhi is in a unique position to bring to bear the insight and knowledge of both fields to help his patients regain full and meaningful lives. Mahesh has vast experience in treating patients with diagnosis both common and potentially catastrophic such as depression, anxiety disorder, addiction and schizophrenia. He will share some of his experience in management and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) in the seminar.
Dr Mahesh Gandhi uses the methods pioneered by Sankaran and presented in the System of Homoeopathy. He will show how patients can be guided to talk about the source of the remedy they require, using tools such as kingdom, levels and miasms.
In this three-day seminar, Dr Mahesh Gandhi will present his work including numerous cured cases with patients with obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) over the last 25 years during which he has practiced homeopathic psychiatry. A beloved lecturer in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and described as personable and humble, he is making his third appearance in Berlin.
What Rajan Sankaran has to say about the speaker?
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a committed and keen homeopath with a solid background in Psychiatry. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and applied them successfully to cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentlemen with right intentions. I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homeopathy.
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a close associate of mine. I have found his cases very illuminating, particularly his work in psychiatric cases and his exploration of remedies in these cases. He is a very good speaker and I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homoeopathy.
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a colleague and friend of mine, who, after having been a professor of Psychiatry, took keen interest in Homeopathy and has now worked with it for 15 years. His dedication to the science and his desire for excellence are remarkable. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and has applied them successfully in several cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentleman with the right intentions. It has been a great pleasure and honor to be associated with him.
- Dr Gandhi’s background as a Psychiatrist has given him the opportunity to treat various Psychiatric cases with classical homeopathy. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them.
Lack of connection and the touch of Love
Wisdom in Homeopathy
In this seminar, Alize will present on ‚Modern Disease‘ such as hormonal imbalance, obesity, cancer and family treatment.
Alize offers multi-dimensional seminars. Her healing art is based on a deep understanding of traditional Hahnemanian Homeopathy, masterfully integrating Boennighausen as well as the “Sensation method.”
The Hahnemann Institute has developed a group of handmade well triturated new proven remedies: The ‚Gifts of the Mother‘.
This group is called the “Human Remedies” as it includes DNA, Oxytocin, Lac humanum, Estradiol, Umbilical Cord, Placenta, and Amniotic Fluid, as well as the milks of the Whale and of the Buffalo.
Alize’s new book about these remedies will only be available at this seminar.
Dr Murray Rushmere from Capetown has stated: ‚Alize brings a deep connection to homeopathy and healing. She reminds us that for healing, knowledge is not only important but even more our being. She works from the level of ‚Wisdom with Homeopathy.‘
Alize observes: Knowing our Self creates the first step in knowing a remedy. If we better understand ourselves, we can create insights in the core of a remedy, and we can connect ourselves with the healing power of a remedy.
With her unique, Socratic teaching style Alize stimulates students to develop as individuals as well as in the art of healing.
The remedy-group related to the lack of connection includes: Oxytocine, Placenta, the Causticum-group (including Ammonium, Kali, Natrium, Causticum), the Magnesium-group, the Conium-group and Viscum album. These remedies and groups will be discussed in depth.
Alize will give also some case examples of cancer treatment and will also teach how to detoxify from chemotherapy during cancer treatment.
“I am worried about female development. More and more hormonally deranged men and woman are coming to my clinic. I do believe homeopathy plays a big role in the treatment of these diseases. I will bring clarity to which healing methods are important to utilize to treat cancer. I will bring my 30 years of experience with me, we learn about the remedies used in cancer and delve into the philosophy of healing“ The Organon is an integral part of the teaching. Please bring your copy of the Organon along.“ (Alize Timmerman)
Confluence and the leap from the rational to the absurd
from source to source
The source, that is the disease state from where stem the delusions,
The thoughts
The symptoms
The pathology
The substance, is the source of the simillimum.
The path from the source of the state to the source of the remedy is the shortest route.
The seminar is a journey on this path. Where every step, landmark, milestone, sideroad will be clearly pointed out. The aim being you can then walk this path with your patient, even with a blindfold.
The path-Anchoring at the PECULIAR and repetitive EXPERIENCE words, we bypass story and emotion;
Then JUMP to food, fear and dreams, staying in the realm of experience.
Spontaneously or with an assistance the patient LEAPS over the wall between the conscious and conscious. Here then he IS IN HIS STATE [which we confirm by black and white objective words]. He now speaks what seems sense to him, but ABSURD, NONSENSE to us.
In this area he then CONFLUENCES, the key experience words with the SUBSTANCE of the simillimum.
AT BERLIN, we will walk this path again and again and reach different destinations.
ARTOCARPUS H[jackfruit]
Whether it is an acute like Dengue fever, or chronic like hypertension, an unknown remedy like jackfruit or known like calcarea carb
Whether through word, gesture or sound the path is clear simple and direct.
Walk the path and watch your results take a quantum leap.
Free yourself from any blocks or insecurities that hold you back from practicing or attending seminars, as your learning will benefit the world exponentially.
Dreams and Myth, The Symbolic World of the Psyche
Jane Tara Cicchetti is known for her in-depth and personal understanding of Jungian psychology, as well as her ability to integrate that knowledge into homeopathy. She is a warm-hearted teacher with great empathy, and insight into the human soul.
Her interactive style of teaching is enhanced by beautiful power-point slides of symbols and myths from many traditions.
Watching Jane gently persuade a dreamer to understand his or her dream is always full of surprises, and the process often of great benefit to the dreamer.
In this seminar, Jane will show how to use dream imagery and mythology to better understand patients and the essence of remedies.
Using the myth of Medea, she will teach the Halogen remedies, and more specifically the iodine salts, revealing the theme of “the betrayed feminine.” There will be plenty of time for live dream analysis.
“Dream imagery is a communication from the psyche to the conscious mind of the individual dreamer. Myths, on the other hand, represent themes that are part of the suffering, conflict, and desires of humanity on a collective level. These themes are also present within homeopathic remedies, and a knowledge of the connection between certain myths and groups of remedies is an important method for understanding their healing potential.”
The seminar will include:
- Teachings on Jung’s concept of the opposites, focusing on the masculine and feminine principles that exist within all of us.
- Definition and exploration of the feminine principle and why it is an important factor in homeopathic clinical practice.
- General information on the role of myth in humanity had how that relates to materia medica.
- The Halogen remedies and their themes.
- Iodine remedies and the myth of Medea.
- Live dream analysis – demonstrating how to use Jungian dream analysis to understand the client and the symbols in his or her dream.
- How working with your personal dreams and myths improves homeopathic practice.
Suggested Reading and Reference:
- Cicchetti, Jane, Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing, Berkley, CA, North Atlantic Books, 2003.
- Chevalier, Jean and Gheerbrant, Alain, Dictionary of Symbols, New York, NY, Penguin Books USA Inc.,1996.
This is the best dictionary of symbols that I know of. It includes meanings from many different times and cultures and avoids the trap of “this symbol means that”. - Jung, C.G., Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Vintage Books, New York 1989
Jung’s autobiography. An important “read this first” book for entry into the mind of Jung.
Jane Tara Cicchetti has been practicing homeopathy for over 25 years and is an internationally known teacher and writer on the integration of Jungian psychology and homeopathy. She has undergone over 15 years of clinical supervision with several Jungian analysts and is the author of Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing. Her book, which is one of the first to bring homeopathy in line with modern psychology, is available in German as well as English. Jane is currently working on a second book, Psyche, Matter, and Homeopathy, and is conducting a global proving incorporating Jungian guidelines for dream interpretation.
The treatment of psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders, especially panic-disorder
About Dr Mahesh Gandhi (India, Mumbai)
Dr Mahesh Gandhi graduated as M.D. (Psychiatry) in Modern Medicine in 1981. With a passion for teaching, He has taught in Hospitals and Medical Colleges for almost 10 years. He has written a book in Psychiatry, which is very popular amongst the undergraduate medical students. Dr Gandhi was an Honorary and Head of Psychiatry Department in a prestigious medical college in Bombay, but resigned to pursue an interest in Homoeopathy. He also co-authored many books on subjects related to Psychiatry (not on homoeopathy). Dr Gandhi has been very closely associated with Dr Rajan Sankaran for more than 15 years. Dr Gandhi is a part of his team and has been a speaker in many Homeopathy Seminars arranged for Indian and foreign students. Because of Dr Gandhi’s background in Psychiatry, he has had an opportunity to treat many psychiatric cases. This has given him tremendous insight into the homoeopathic treatment of psychiatry related cases. Dr Gandhi has lectured extensively on Psychiatry & Homeopathy in many cities of India. Dr Gandhi is a popular international speaker on this topic and visits various countries around the world to give seminars, like USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), South Africa, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. He has been conducting lectures regularly in most of these countries. For the past few years, he has students who come from various countries to India and sit in his clinic for some weeks, to gain clinical experience in Homoeopathy. Dr Gandhi has been appointed as a mentor and a PG guide in Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy- London from 2009 to 2012. Dr Gandhi is now in the process of finishing writing his book in Homoeopathy to share some of his experiences in the field of Psychiatry.
About Dr Mahesh Gandhi’s Seminar
Patients with mental illness present particular challenges to the homoeopath, not least because of the necessity of collaboration with allopathic practitioners. However, mental illnesses are almost as prevalent as heart disease and cancer, so we can expect to see an increasing number of these patients. It is incumbent on us to be prepared. As an experienced homoeopath with a specialist allopathic background, Dr Mahesh Gandhi is in a unique position to bring to bear the insight and knowledge of both fields to help his patients regain full and meaningful lives. Mahesh has vast experience in treating patients with diagnosis both common and potentially catastrophic such as depression, anxiety disorder, addiction and schizophrenia. He will share some of his experience in management and treatment of Anxiety Disorders, especially Panic Disorders in the seminar.
Dr Mahesh Gandhi uses the methods pioneered by Sankaran and presented in the System of Homoeopathy. He will show how patients can be guided to talk about the source of the remedy they require, using tools such as kingdom, levels and miasms.
Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health problems, afflicting more than 1 out of 8 people sometime during their lifetime in this country and worldwide. Anxiety disorders cost the United States around $46 billion a year in direct and indirect healthcare costs, about a third of the total annual mental health bill of $148 billion. Of the anxiety disorders, panic is an especially debilitating condition. People with panic disorders experience feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. The attacks are usually accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, and/or abdominal distress.
During an attack people often believe that they are having a heart attack or, alternately, that they are losing their mind. Panic sufferers often develop agoraphobia — fear of open spaces — secondary to the occurrence of these unexpected panic attacks. Consequently, they begin to avoid places where they fear a panic attack may occur or where help would be difficult to obtain. If the agoraphobia becomes severe enough, a person may become housebound.
In this three-day seminar, Dr Mahesh Gandhi will present his work including numerous cured cases with patients with anxiety and particularly panic disorders over the last 25 years during which he has practiced homeopathic psychiatry. A beloved lecturer in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and described as personable and humble, he is making his second appearance in Berlin.
What Rajan Sankaran has to say about the speaker?
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a committed and keen homeopath with a solid background in Psychiatry. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and applied them successfully to cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentlemen with right intentions. I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homeopathy.
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a close associate of mine. He is a committed and keen homoeopath with a solid background in Psychiatry. I have found his cases very illuminating, particularly his work in psychiatric cases and his exploration of remedies in these cases. He is a very good speaker and I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homoeopathy.
- Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a colleague and friend of mine, who, after having been a professor of Psychiatry, took keen interest in Homeopathy and has now worked with it for 15 years. His dedication to the science and his desire for excellence are remarkable. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and has applied them successfully in several cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentleman with the right intentions. It has been a great pleasure and honor to be associated with him.
- Dr Gandhi’s background as a Psychiatrist has given him the opportunity to treat various Psychiatric cases with classical homeopathy. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them.
„Hormonal balance’s“ and the inner sensation – Gemstones
In this seminar Alize Timmerman will give a lecture about how to treat chronic diseases based on the principles from Hahnemann and his book chronic diseases. She will give an overview on how to use the plant kingdom, the mineral kingdom, and the animal kingdom as well as the monera kingdom (the nosodes).
The main focus in this seminar will be on the gemstones: the mineral kingdom.
Alize is developing the knowledge about Gemstones based on the work of Peter Tumminello and Madeline Evans as well as others who have developed the knowledge around Gemstones. The Gemstones are part of the mineral kingdom and form a very powerful healing group of remedies. The discovery of the right simile of the gemstone-group can succeed if one knows the preference of the color, the light, the crystal form, the content of minerals and radio activity of the gemstone .
Alize will share some cases where she used the gemstones very efficiently.
A long-term cancer case will be shared, where the Emerald gave the patient the opportunity to have a long life after her metastases started. Not at least based on the work of Hildegard from Bingen.
Hildegard wrote:
„Emerald grows in the morning hours of the day and at sunrise when the controlling sun starts her path, then the green and the grasses of the earth have most strength, because the air is still cool but the sun is already warm and then the plants suck up the green so strongly like a lamb sucks the milk. The morning of the day might only be just sufficient to boil the green (morning) power of that day and to change it into food particles from which she can create fruit. That is why the Emerald is very strong in use against weakness of the human being because the sun creates it and its total substance is made from the green of the air“.
Alize says from the time when I was young on I knew there was a healing capacity in the gemstones.
The gemstones contain deep old wisdom and knowledge. The gemstones are the senses of the earth, they are the eyes, ears and smell and taste of the earth. The “deep healing knowledge’’ gives healing to the patient.
Children are extremely attracted to the gemstones, so we will see children cases as well as adult cases.
Alize will share her insights into Moonstone, Lapiz Lazuli, Emerald, Diamond, Rose-Quarts, Amethyst, Quarts, Slate and others.
Alize is the driving force behind the International well recognized Hahnemann Institute of the Netherlands, where she gives an international training and where Colleagues can get a Post Graduate Diploma (PGHom.)
She is doing profound provings and research at the institute.
Last year in Berlin, Alize shared her “universal new remedies” based on her research done in the institute. The remedy group is based on developmental stages in the womb and after. They contain: DNA, Folliculinum, Amniotic fluid, Placenta, Umbellical cord, Lac humanum and Vernix.
During her lectures she will share her insight from her research material.
The Liz Lalor Fertility Program and Understanding the Disturbance behind Destructive Disease – the treatment of psychiatric diseases
On the first day of the seminar Liz Lalor will present her fertility program and on the second she will present cases showing how conflictional relationships play out in the states of destructive disease.
Infertility is a modern-day problem faced by millions of women. Liz is the originator of a Fertility Programme based on the ideology of Dr. Leon Vannier, and has worked with 180 women and has been successful with 156 babies born. She has lectured widely within Australia and has published articles worldwide on her homeopathic Fertility Programme. She consults daily with hundreds of homeopaths worldwide who are currently using her programme.
The seminar will cover the following aspects:
Day One: Liz Lalor Fertility Program
Day Two: Destructive diseases
- The relevance of a Vannier Method approach to the problem of modern-day Infertility
- Why a Vannier Method and not Constitutional prescribing?
- Vannier Ideology – Four remedies working as one whole….
- Constitutional remedy
- Functional or Drainage remedy
- Lesional remedy
- Nosode – Miasmatic remedy
- The effect of the Oral Contraceptive Pill on cessation of ovulation
- Case analysis and patient interview
- Choosing constitution remedy
- Drainage remedy
- Lesional remedy
- Miasmatic remedy
- What to note in the patients history
- Menses history
- Ovulation history
- Ovulation testing
- The effect of Candida on ovulation
- What to look for in the follow-up
- How to adjust the programme
- Nutritional and herbal supplements
- Fertility testing
Aside from working as a homeopath Lalor also uses constitutional homeopathy within a conventional counselling practice to help her patients understand more about themselves as a particular ‚homeopathic constitutional type.‘ Lalor is able to draw upon her experience of counselling the more ‚unusual‘ constitutional remedy pictures and has written articles on the remedy picture of Agaricus and Alice in Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll; published in Homeopathy in Practice UK. Links magazine have published Lalor’s essay on the characters Frodo and Gollum, and the remedy pictures of Anacardium and Mancinella, in Tolkien’s tale of The Lord of the Rings. Homeopathy in Practice UK 2005 published Liz’s essay on the character of Hamlet as the remedy picture of Muriaticum acidum. The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine has published an article of two Tarentula hispanica cases and the character of Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello. The article is titled Revengeful Insanity: love; from disappointed: Tarent ula hispanica. Links magazine published Lalor’s essay on three Anhalonium cases and the character of Queen Galadriel in Tolkien’s tale of The Lord of the Rings. The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine Spring 2007 has recently published an Anacardium case in which the woman who was clairvoyant and clairaudient was aware of all of her sins from this and many lives. The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine Summer 2007 also has published an amazing case of a Baryta Carbonica Case where the woman has until taking the remedy struggled intellectually as a result of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Lalor has worked as an integrative natural therapist for 27 years; with a thriving Melbourne practice covering all aspects of health; in particular specialising in the treatment of infertility. Her successful treatment of her son’s illness was the catalyst in cementing her belief in the unique healing abilities of homeopathy, and the altruistic inspiration behind her book. Her book A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility is the first Materia medica to be sold in mainstream bookshops. Lalor is an originator of a Fertility Program based on the ideology of Dr. Leon Vannier which was the inspiration behind the formulation of the program. Lalor has worked with 178 different women and been successful with 154 babies born. Lalor is altruistically inspired to have homoeopathy reach the mainstream public; as with her book, her successful treatment of infertility, has attracted couples who would never have tried homeopathy. Infertility is a modern-day problem faced by millions of women. Links, magazine spring edition 2005, published an article on Lalor’s Fertility Program; which was also previously published in Similia Australia 2003 and Homoeopathic Medical Panorama June 2004 India. It was not until the Links article that Lalor saw the overwhelming need to develop a step by step clinical guide for homeopaths wanting to use the program. Following the article in Links Lalor consults daily via email with hundreds of homeopaths world-wide who are currently using her program. Homeopathy in Practice, UK 2006, has recently published the updated Fertility Program clinical guide for homeopaths. Lalor currently lectures on her Fertility program for homeopaths. Lalor practices homeopathy in Melbourne, Australia.