Archiv für den Monat: Februar 2020

Dr. Divya Chhabra (Mumbai, Indien) „The Neuroscientific understanding of the State, Disease & Similimum.“

The Neuroscientific understanding of the State, Disease & Similimum.

Seminar By Dr.Divya Chhabra on…

  4thto 6ThSeptember 2020 at Berlin.


Pavlov altered the natural digestive circuit of a dog, by introducing a ‘bell’. The‘bell’ like Boenninghausen’s concomitant’ is merely something that occurs simultaneously with the key stimuli.

In childhood, as we are developing our ‘Neural Circuits’ at a rapid pace, (walking, talking, eating, language), can such random coincidental concomitants alter our natural healthy circuits? Then, later in life can the recurrence of the stimuli, trigger the altered (not normal) body functioning program to take over, ultimately resulting in disease.

At Berlin, the avant-garde German capital, let’s explore the confluence of cutting-edge research with the traditional principles of Hahnemann and Boenninghausen.
in cases of:

Recurrent UTI despite repeated antibiotics, in a child of 9 yrs.

Chronic Active ileitis

Urticaria (steroid dependent) with allergic rhinitis.

Severe Depression

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
