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Milchmittel in der Homöopathie

Die Milchmittel sind in der Homöopathie eine besonders spannende Arzneimittelgruppe! Wegen ihrer Vielfalt, der in ihnen enthaltenen Substanzen berühren sie verschiedene Reiche in der Homöopathie. Sie enthalten einige Minerale, zugleich fallen sie auch in den Bereich der Nosoden bzw. in eine ihrer spezifizierten Untergruppe, zum anderen enthalten sie auch Opiatspuren. Augenscheinlich fallen sie natürlich in das Tierreich, oder sie zählen zu den menschlichen Arzneien. (Hierzu habe ich schon früher einmal ein Seminar gehalten.) Die Milchmittel stellen somit eine besonders komplexe und auch tiefwirkende Arzneimittelgruppe dar. Diesen Facettenreichtum möchte ich gerne in diesem Seminar mit Ihnen / Euch betrachten.

Folgende Arzneien werde ich vorstellen:

– Lac equinum
– Lac caprinum
– Lac ovinum
– Lac delfinum
– Lac lupinum
– Lac humanum

Die Tabelle der Pflanzensystematik III

Dr. Michal Yakir ist klassische Homöopathin und Doktorin der Biologie und entwickelte die Ordnung der Pflanzen für die Homöopathie, kurz die „Pflanzentabelle“ genannt. In ihrem Buch „Order of plants – Amazing systematic“ beschreibt sie die Beziehung zwischen der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzen und der Entwicklung des menschlichen Individuums und seiner Pathologie. Eine wirklich faszinierende Parallele! (Dieses Buch wird derzeit ins Deutsche übersetzt.)

What is the Plants Table?

Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.

Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.

The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.

Seminar am Samstag, den 9. und Sonntag, den 10. Mai 2015,
am Freitag, den 8. Mai wird Frau Dr. Yakir einen Einführungstag in die „Pflanzentabelle“

Am Montag, den 11. Mai 2015 Besuch des Berliner Botanischen Gartens gemeinsam mit Frau Dr. Yakir.

Themen werden das Stadium 2 der Dicotylodonen sein, und einige Pflanzen aus dem Stadium 3, nämlich die Kakteen. In detaillierter Form werden die Qualitäten und Eigenheiten und Themen einer jeden Ordnung und Familie in dem jeweiligen Stadium dargestellt, und anhand von Fallgeschichten aus der Praxis von Dr. Michal Yakir veranschaulicht.


Die fortlaufende Seminarreihe wird in 2015 und in 2016 mit weiteren Seminaren vervollständigt werden.
Nächster Termin in 2015: 10. und 11. Oktober 2015
Nächster Termin in 2016: 21. und 22. Mai 2016

About Dr Michal Yakir

Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.

In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).

Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.

Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants

Seminar with Dr. Michal Yakir about „The table of plants“

What is the Plants Table?

Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.

Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.

The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.

About Dr Michal Yakir

Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.

In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).

Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.

Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants


Die Tabelle der Pflanzensystematik

What is the Plants Table?

Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.

Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.

The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.

About Dr Michal Yakir

Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.

In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).

Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.

Die nächsten beiden Seminartermine mit Frau Dr. Michal Yakir an der CHIRON-Schule in Berlin sind: 

Samstag, den 17. und Sonntag, den 18. Mai 2014 

Für NeueinsteigerInnen findet Freitag, den 16. Mai 2014 eine Wiederholung (Zusatztag) der Inhalte des Seminars vom Oktober 2013 in komprimierter Form statt.

Thema sind die Stadien 1 + 2 in detaillierter Form, die Qualitäten und Eigenheiten und Themen einer jeden Ordnung und Familie in diesen Stadien, veranschaulicht an Fallgeschichten aus der eigenen (Yakirs) Praxis. Behandelt werden sowohl die Monocotylodonen, als auch die Dicotylodonen


Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants


The Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders – 

cases of plant remedies, which are figured out by the Plant-Table of Dr. Michal Yakir



About Dr Mahesh Gandhi (India, Mumbai)

Dr Mahesh Gandhi graduated as M.D. (Psychiatry) in Modern Medicine in 1981. With a passion for teaching, He has taught in Hospitals and Medical Colleges for almost 10 years. He has written a book in Psychiatry, which is very popular amongst the undergraduate medical students. Dr Gandhi was an Honorary and Head of Psychiatry Department in a prestigious medical college in Bombay, but resigned to pursue an interest in Homoeopathy. He also co-authored many books on subjects related to Psychiatry (not on homoeopathy). Dr Gandhi has been very closely associated with Dr Rajan Sankaran for more than 15 years. Dr Gandhi is a part of his team and has been a speaker in many Homeopathy Seminars arranged for Indian and foreign students. Because of Dr Gandhi’s background in Psychiatry, he has had an opportunity to treat many psychiatric cases. This has given him tremendous insight into the homoeopathic treatment of psychiatry related cases. Dr Gandhi has lectured extensively on Psychiatry & Homeopathy in many cities of India. Dr Gandhi is a popular international speaker on this topic and visits various countries around the world to give seminars, like USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), South Africa, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. He has been conducting lectures regularly in most of these countries. For the past few years, he has students who come from various countries to India and sit in his clinic for some weeks, to gain clinical experience in Homoeopathy. Dr Gandhi has been appointed as a mentor and a PG guide in Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy- London from 2009 to 2012. Dr Gandhi is now in the process of finishing writing his book in Homoeopathy to share some of his experiences in the field of Psychiatry. 

About Dr Mahesh Gandhi’s Seminar

Patients with mental illness present particular challenges to the homoeopath, not least because of the necessity of collaboration with allopathic practitioners. However, mental illnesses are almost as prevalent as heart disease and cancer, so we can expect to see an increasing number of these patients. It is incumbent on us to be prepared. As an experienced homoeopath with a specialist allopathic background, Dr Mahesh Gandhi is in a unique position to bring to bear the insight and knowledge of both fields to help his patients regain full and meaningful lives. Mahesh has vast experience in treating patients with diagnosis both common and potentially catastrophic such as depression, anxiety disorder, addiction and schizophrenia. He will share some of his experience in management and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) in the seminar. 

Dr Mahesh Gandhi uses the methods pioneered by Sankaran and presented in the System of Homoeopathy. He will show how patients can be guided to talk about the source of the remedy they require, using tools such as kingdom, levels and miasms. 

In this three-day seminar, Dr Mahesh Gandhi will present his work including numerous cured cases with patients with obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) over the last 25 years during which he has practiced homeopathic psychiatry. He will show cases of plant remedies, which are figured out by the Plant-Table of Dr. Michal Yakir. Dr Gandhi is a beloved lecturer in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and described as personable and humble, he is making his third appearance in Berlin. 


Die Behandlung von psychiatrischen Erkrankungen – Zwangsstörungen. Fälle mit Verschreibungen von Pflanzenarzneien nach dem Verständnis der Systematik von Dr. Michal Yakir.

Graduierte als Doktor der Medizin im Fach Psychiatrie 1981. Mit großer Leidenschaft lehrt er nun bereits seit zehn Jahren an medizinischen Universitäten und in Krankenhäusern. Auch ein beliebtes Lehrbuch für Psychiatrie hat er verfasst. Dr. Gandhi war geschätzter Leiter der psychiatrischen Abteilung einer angesehenen medizinischen Fakultät in Mumbai, doch gab er diese Stellung auf, um seinem Interesse an der Homöopathie nachzugehen. Er verfasste gemeinsam mit anderen Kollegen zahlreiche Psychiatrie-Bücher (nicht über die homöopathische Behandlung).

Dr. Gandhi arbeitet bereits seit 15 Jahren sehr eng mit Dr. Rajan Sankaran zusammen. Er ist Mitglied in dessen Team und auch Dozent vieler homöopathischer Seminare, die in Indien gehalten wurden, sowohl für indische als auch für ausländische Studenten.

Aufgrund seiner langjährigen Tätigkeit in psychiatrischen Kliniken hatte er natürlich Gelegenheit, sehr viele psychiatrische Fälle zu behandeln, und konnte auf diese Weise immense Kenntnisse in der homöopathischen Behandlung psychiatrischer Fälle erwerben.

Er verfügt über reichhaltige Unterrichtserfahrung in Psychiatrie und Homöopathie in Indien. Aber auch international ist Dr. Gandhi Dozent für den Bereich Homöopathie und Psychiatrie – er gibt Seminare in den USA, Israel, Bulgarien, Kroatien, Serbien, Südafrika, Neuseeland, Russland, Japan, Spanien, den Niederlanden und Deutschland.

Seit einigen Jahren hospitieren Studenten aus den verschiedensten Ländern in seiner Praxis in Indien, um homöopathisch-klinische Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Dr. Gandhi ist für die Jahre 2009 bis 2012 zum Mentor am Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in London berufen worden.

Zur Zeit arbeitet er am Abschluss seines Buches über die homöopathisch-psychiatrische Behandlung.

Über Dr. Mahesh Gandhi’s Seminar

Patienten mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen stellen eine ganz besondere Herausforderung für Homöopathen dar, nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil sie zumeist auch eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Allopathen erforderlich machen.

Die psychischen Erkrankungen sind heutzutage vergleichbar häufig anzutreffen wie Herzerkrankungen oder Krebs, und wir dürfen erwarten, dass die Zahl der Erkrankten noch ansteigen wird, – wir sollten also vorbereitet sein!

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi ist als Homöopath mit allopathischem Erfahrungshintergrund in der hervorragenden Position, uns das notwendige Verständnis und Wissen beider Bereiche zu vermitteln, das wir benötigen, um unseren Patienten zu helfen, ein vollwertiges Leben zurück zu gewinnen.

Dr. Mahesh Gandhi verfügt über reichhaltige Erfahrungen in der Behandlung von Depressionen, Angsterkrankungen, Suchterkrankungen und Schizophrenie. In diesem Seminar möchte er seine Erfahrungen in der Führung und Behandlung von Patienten mit Zwangsstörungen mit uns teilen. Der Schwerpunkt der vorgestellten Fälle wird hierbei im Bereich der Pflanzenarzneien liegen. Dr. Gandhi arbeitet nach der „Pflanzentabelle“ von Dr. Michal Yakir. Generell verwendet er die „Neue Methode“ von Dr. Rajan Sankaran bei der Behandlung seiner Patienten. Er wird uns zeigen, wie er Patienten führt, damit sie quasi über die Quelle der Arznei sprechen, die sie für ihre Heilung benötigen, – natürlich unter Verwendung von „Königreichen“, Ebenen und Miasmen.

In diesem dreitägigen Seminar wird uns Dr. Mahesh Gandhi seine Art der homöopathischen Arbeit vorstellen – am Beispiel von Patienten der letzten 25 Jahre, die er von Zwangsstörungen heilen konnte.

Ein in Europa, Nahost und Asien sehr beliebter Dozent, eine angenehme und bescheidene Erscheinung, wird nun zum vierten Mal in Berlin lehren.

Die Polarität: die große Mutter und das verletzte Kind


Das verletzte Kind und die wütende Mutter
Für die wütende Mutter kommen die Arzneien Kalium-jodatum, Ferrum-jodatum, Argentum- jodatum und Mercurius-jodatum zum Tragen. Alize wird über die Familie der Asteridae – im speziellen hier über dieLoganiaceae und die Apocynaceae sprechen, sie bezieht hierbei „Die Pflanzentabelle“ von Dr. Michal Yakir mit ein. Sie wird auch über die Familie der Schmetterlinge sprechen in Bezug auf Konzentrationsprobleme.

Wie immer wird Alize hierzu chronische Fälle und entsprechende Fallanalysen vorstellen.

Alize Timmerman beschäftigt sich seit 1992 intensiv mit Heilungsverläufen, die in Relation zum „Periodensystem“ und der „Pflanzentabelle“ stehen – beide Systeme liefern eine konsistente Beschreibung der menschlichen Entwicklung allgemein, insbesondere der Reifung der Seele.

Ihre Betrachtungsweise der menschlichen Entwicklung schließt sich hier den Gedanken von C.G. Jung zum Individuationsprozess an. Demnach beginnt die Entwicklung der menschlichen Seele im Einssein mit dem Weiblichen Prinzip. Dies betrifft vor allem die Zeit vor der Geburt. Von hier aus entwickelt sie sich weiter, bis es schließlich zur Trennung vom Weiblichen Prinzip kommt und zur Hinwendung zum männlichen Prinzip. Doch auch von diesem trennt sich ein heranreifendes, individuelles Ego schließlich wieder. Dieses einzigartige Ego, welches sich nun herausgebildet hat, ist jetzt in der Lage seinen eigenen, spirituellen Pfad in Richtung Einssein zu gehen – dieses Mal absolut bewusst.

Seminar with Dr. Michal Yakir about „The table of plants“

What is the Plants Table?

Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.

Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.

The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.

About Dr Michal Yakir

Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.

In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).

Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.

Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants


Die Tabelle der Pflanzensystematik

What is the Plants Table?

Similarly to the way homeopathy relates to the concept of mineral arrangements to human pathology, one can use the botanical systematics (the order that strives to describe the known evolution progress of the plants) to create such a developmental concept.
USING the botanist Cronquist systematics, The evolutional progress of the plant kingdom can be arranged in table form, similar to the mineral table. Every group of plants in the table (by Botanical Order) describes a convergence of 2 axis of two axis of development, with physiological, emotional and mental contest.

Each remedy in that group describes a variation on the themes that arise. The table provides a scheme that connects between plant development stages to human developmental stages – from birth to old age: from unity to individuality.

The plant table explains the traits of groups of plants, small remedies and new provings. Even our cases can be understood more clearly, and the homeopathic prescription improved.

About Dr Michal Yakir

Dr Michal Yakir (PhD, RCHom), a classical homeopath, is former chair and present member of the managing Committee of the Israeli Association for Classical Homeopathy, and editor of the association’s professional magazine „Homeopathic Times“. She teaches homeopathy at Campus Broshim Homeopathy School in Tel Aviv. Practicing Homeopathy for over 20 years, she specializes in Women’s health problems.After receiving her BA in Botany, Master’s degree in Biology and Ecology, she conducted a PhD research in Homeopathy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine.

In her Doctoral thesis she examined the efficiency of Homeopathy in a clinical research of women’s problems. The research has been presented in Israel and abroad, in several seminars and congress, and published. (To read Research results – press here).

Based on her experience as a former botanist and current homeopath, Dr. Yakir developed the subject of the Order of plants in Homeopathy. Her book: “Order of plants – Amazing systematic” describes the relationship of plant evolution and morphology to human development and pathology, and is currently being translated into English.

Interview with Dr Michal Yakir: The Table of plants