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Englische Seminare

Dream Analysis for Homeopaths

This seminar will include practical techniques for analyzing the dreams of patients as well as information for the homeopath to work with his or her own dreams. It will help the practitioner become more aware of the levels of the psyche and increase the ability to utilize dreams in homeopathic practice. Dreamwork will stimulate deeper communication with clients and help in perceiving what needs to be healed in each individual case. There will be time in the seminar for demonstration of dream analysis.

It is highly recommended that seminar participants keep a journal of their dreams for a few weeks before the beginning of the seminar. Those who don’t remember any dreams can keep a journal of their personal feelings and insights.

How to use dreams in your homeopathic practice

  • To find the remedy
  • Help understand the patient more deeply
  • To follow the healing process

The seminar will cover:

  • The process of dream analysis appropriate for homeopathic case takin
  • The anatomy of the psyche from a Jungian perspectiv
  • Understanding Archetypes & their relationship to homeopathic remedies
  • How to increase sensitivity to the dream state by working with your own dreams
  • The “waking dream” symbolism and active imagination as techniques for understanding the psyche
  • Understanding the relationship between physical symptoms and dream symbolism

Jane Tara Cicchetti has been practicing homeopathy for over 25 years and is an internationally known teacher and writer on the integration of Jungian psychology and homeopathy. She has undergone over 15 years of clinical supervision with a Jungian analyst and is the author of Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing. Her book, which is one of the first to bring homeopathy in line with modern psychology, is available in German as well as English.

Jane is currently working on a second book, Psyche, Matter, and Homeopathy, and is conducting a global proving incorporating Jungian guidelines for dream interpretation.


“The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is.” Carl Jung


  • Chevalier, Jean and Gheerbrant, Alain, Dictionary of Symbols, New York, NY, Penguin Books USA Inc.,1996.
    This is the best dictionary of symbols that I know of. It includes meanings from many different times and cultures and avoids the trap of “this symbol means that”.
  • Cicchetti, Jane, Dreams, Symbols, and Homeopathy, Archetypal Dimensions of Healing, Berkley, CA, North Atlantic Books, 2003.
  • Edinger, Edward F. Ego and Archetype, Boston, MA, Shambhala, 1992.
    A Jungian primer on the development of the ego and it relationship to the archetypal sphere.
  • Jung, C.G., Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Vintage Books, New York 1989
    Jung’s autobiography. An important “read this first” book for entry into the mind of Jung.
  • Von Franz, Marie-Louise and Fraser Boa, The Way of the Dream, Conversations on Jungian Dream Interpretation, Boston, Mass, shambhala, 1994.
    Based on a film series of Marie-Louise von Franz interpreting dreams. Highly recommended for anyone interested in using dreams. Clear and easy to use.
  • Whitmont, M.D., Edward C. The Alchemy of Healing, Psyche and Soma Berkeley CA, North Atlantic Books, 1993.
    Chapters 6-8 on illness and healing are especially relevant.

The treatment of psychiatric disorders, anxiety disorders, especially panic-disorder

About Dr Mahesh Gandhi (India, Mumbai)

Dr Mahesh Gandhi graduated as M.D. (Psychiatry) in Modern Medicine in 1981. With a passion for teaching, He has taught in Hospitals and Medical Colleges for almost 10 years. He has written a book in Psychiatry, which is very popular amongst the undergraduate medical students. Dr Gandhi was an Honorary and Head of Psychiatry Department in a prestigious medical college in Bombay, but resigned to pursue an interest in Homoeopathy. He also co-authored many books on subjects related to Psychiatry (not on homoeopathy). Dr Gandhi has been very closely associated with Dr Rajan Sankaran for more than 15 years. Dr Gandhi is a part of his team and has been a speaker in many Homeopathy Seminars arranged for Indian and foreign students. Because of Dr Gandhi’s background in Psychiatry, he has had an opportunity to treat many psychiatric cases. This has given him tremendous insight into the homoeopathic treatment of psychiatry related cases. Dr Gandhi has lectured extensively on Psychiatry & Homeopathy in many cities of India. Dr Gandhi is a popular international speaker on this topic and visits various countries around the world to give seminars, like USA, Israel, Bulgaria, Croatia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), South Africa, New Zealand, Russia, Japan, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. He has been conducting lectures regularly in most of these countries. For the past few years, he has students who come from various countries to India and sit in his clinic for some weeks, to gain clinical experience in Homoeopathy. Dr Gandhi has been appointed as a mentor and a PG guide in Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy- London from 2009 to 2012. Dr Gandhi is now in the process of finishing writing his book in Homoeopathy to share some of his experiences in the field of Psychiatry.

About Dr Mahesh Gandhi’s Seminar

Patients with mental illness present particular challenges to the homoeopath, not least because of the necessity of collaboration with allopathic practitioners. However, mental illnesses are almost as prevalent as heart disease and cancer, so we can expect to see an increasing number of these patients. It is incumbent on us to be prepared. As an experienced homoeopath with a specialist allopathic background, Dr Mahesh Gandhi is in a unique position to bring to bear the insight and knowledge of both fields to help his patients regain full and meaningful lives. Mahesh has vast experience in treating patients with diagnosis both common and potentially catastrophic such as depression, anxiety disorder, addiction and schizophrenia. He will share some of his experience in management and treatment of Anxiety Disorders, especially Panic Disorders in the seminar.
Dr Mahesh Gandhi uses the methods pioneered by Sankaran and presented in the System of Homoeopathy. He will show how patients can be guided to talk about the source of the remedy they require, using tools such as kingdom, levels and miasms.

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health problems, afflicting more than 1 out of 8 people sometime during their lifetime in this country and worldwide. Anxiety disorders cost the United States around $46 billion a year in direct and indirect healthcare costs, about a third of the total annual mental health bill of $148 billion. Of the anxiety disorders, panic is an especially debilitating condition. People with panic disorders experience feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. The attacks are usually accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, and/or abdominal distress.

During an attack people often believe that they are having a heart attack or, alternately, that they are losing their mind. Panic sufferers often develop agoraphobia — fear of open spaces — secondary to the occurrence of these unexpected panic attacks. Consequently, they begin to avoid places where they fear a panic attack may occur or where help would be difficult to obtain. If the agoraphobia becomes severe enough, a person may become housebound.

In this two-day seminar, Dr Mahesh Gandhi will present his work including numerous cured cases with patients with anxiety and particularly panic disorders over the last 25 years during which he has practiced homeopathic psychiatry. A beloved lecturer in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and described as personable and humble, he is making his first appearance in Berlin.

What Rajan Sankaran has to say about the speaker?

  • Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a committed and keen homeopath with a solid background in Psychiatry. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and applied them successfully to cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentlemen with right intentions. I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homeopathy.
  • Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a close associate of mine. He is a committed and keen homoeopath with a solid background in Psychiatry. I have found his cases very illuminating, particularly his work in psychiatric cases and his exploration of remedies in these cases. He is a very good speaker and I heartily recommend his seminar to all serious students and practitioners of homoeopathy.
  • Dr Mahesh Gandhi is a colleague and friend of mine, who, after having been a professor of Psychiatry, took keen interest in Homeopathy and has now worked with it for 15 years. His dedication to the science and his desire for excellence are remarkable. He has learnt and mastered all the new ideas and techniques of our school and has applied them successfully in several cases. His ability to teach is par excellence and he is very popular with students wherever he has taught. As a person, he is a true gentleman with the right intentions. It has been a great pleasure and honor to be associated with him.
  • Dr Gandhi’s background as a Psychiatrist has given him the opportunity to treat various Psychiatric cases with classical homeopathy. I often refer my psychiatric cases to him for advice on their management. It is a pleasure to see his cases and learn from them.