Lack of connection and the touch of Love

1th - 2th December 2012

Alize Timmerman (Den Haag, Netherlands)

Wisdom in Homeopathy

In this seminar, Alize will present on ‚Modern Disease‘ such as hormonal imbalance, obesity, cancer and family treatment.

Alize offers multi-dimensional seminars. Her healing art is based on a deep understanding of traditional Hahnemanian Homeopathy, masterfully integrating Boennighausen as well as the “Sensation method.”

The Hahnemann Institute has developed a group of handmade well triturated new proven remedies: The ‚Gifts of the Mother‘.

This group is called the “Human Remedies” as it includes DNA, Oxytocin, Lac humanum, Estradiol, Umbilical Cord, Placenta, and Amniotic Fluid, as well as the milks of the Whale and of the Buffalo.

Alize’s new book about these remedies will only be available at this seminar.

Dr Murray Rushmere from Capetown has stated: ‚Alize brings a deep connection to homeopathy and healing. She reminds us that for healing, knowledge is not only important but even more our being. She works from the level of ‚Wisdom with Homeopathy.‘

Alize observes: Knowing our Self creates the first step in knowing a remedy. If we better understand ourselves, we can create insights in the core of a remedy, and we can connect ourselves with the healing power of a remedy.

With her unique, Socratic teaching style Alize stimulates students to develop as individuals as well as in the art of healing.

The remedy-group related to the lack of connection includes: Oxytocine, Placenta, the Causticum-group (including Ammonium, Kali, Natrium, Causticum), the Magnesium-group, the Conium-group and Viscum album. These remedies and groups will be discussed in depth.

Alize will give also some case examples of cancer treatment and will also teach how to detoxify from chemotherapy during cancer treatment.

“I am worried about female development. More and more hormonally deranged men and woman are coming to my clinic. I do believe homeopathy plays a big role in the treatment of these diseases. I will bring clarity to which healing methods are important to utilize to treat cancer. I will bring my 30 years of experience with me, we learn about the remedies used in cancer and delve into the philosophy of healing“ The Organon is an integral part of the teaching. Please bring your copy of the Organon along.“ (Alize Timmerman)

Further Information

The seminar will be held in English (Alize's English is not difficult to understand), with optional simultaneous translation into German.

Seminar Times

  • Saturday: 9.30 am - 1 pm and 2.30 pm - 6 pm (incl. coffee/tea breaks)
  • Sunday: 9.30 am - 1 pm and 2.30 pm - 5 pm (incl. coffee/tea breaks)

Seminar Location

Framstr. 7
12047 Berlin-Neukölln

Next Subway station: Hermannplatz

City map
Public transport

Seminar Fees

Registration and payment before 30.10.2012: 190 €
Registration after 30.10.2012: 210 €
Translation fee (optional): 50 €
Cancellation fee until 30.10.2012: 75 €
Cancellation fee four weeks in advance: you have to pay the whole seminarfee or to find somebody else, who will be a participant instead of you.

This seminar will probably be certified with 17 points by the Berlin Homeopathic Association of Medical Doctors (Berliner Verein homöopathischer Ärzte) as an advanced training programme for doctors. For Heilpraktiker and other complementary medical practitioners, this seminar provides 17 advanced training teaching units.
