Born in 1958 in Berlin. Upon high school graduation, one year of eclectic internships in industry, trades, social services and agriculture, initiated by the „Forum Kreuzberg Berlin“, followed by an apprenticeship in biodynamic agriculture and one year of technical college in agriculture.
Upon return to Berlin in 1985, attendance of the „Verbandsschule“ (VDH) Berlin, today known as the „Samuel-Hahnemann-Schule“, with a primary focus on classical homeopathy and bodywork, working on the side as a cab driver in Berlin, and later as the Executive Assitant CEO of „Naturkost Himmel&Erde“ and CEO of „Naturkost Land&Leute“.
Having begun training as a homeopathic practitioner, attendance of the „Boller Seminar“ organized by Jürgen Becker und Gerhardus Lang.
Assistant of Waltraud Isenbügel and pharmacist and practitioner Friedbert Käbisch.
In 1989 founded a homeopathic practice together with Monika Kittler and Ruthild Schulze in Berlin (Kreuzberg).
From 1991 to 1994 training in biodynamic body psychotherapy by Gerda, Ebba und Mona-Lisa Boyesen and, later on, functioning as assistant for many years to Gerlinde Buchholz (Pfad-Zentrum Berlin) in psychotherapeutic groups.
Study of psychology at the FU Berlin, freelancer at the „Feministisches Frauengesundheitszentrum Berlin“ (FFGZ) [Feminist women’s health-center], today Head of Association of the FFGZ.
Since 1995 lecturer of classical homeopathy at different schools in Berlin and Dohma (Saxony) („Akasha“; „Heilpraktikschule in Selbstverwaltung“; CHIRON).
Attendance of two three-year series of advanced training in homeopathy carried out by the „Homöopathie Forum München“: „The Hahnemann Medical College“ (Roger Morrison, Nancy Herrick, Bill Gray, Jonathan Shore) and „The Bombay Seminar“ (Nandita Shah, Divya Chhabra, Sujit Chatterjee, Sunil Anand et al.).
Since 1996 administration of the CHIRON- School of Classical Homeopathy Berlin, since 1999 autonomously with permanent staff of lecturers.
In 2001 Diploma in Psychology at the FU Berlin [Free University Berlin].
From 2003 to 2004 training in coaching carried out by Heinrich Fallner and Michael Pohl (Bielefeld). From 2011 to 2015 training in Singing-Therapy by Carien Wijnen (Healing voice, Berlin). Member of the Committee of Council of the „Internationales Homöopathie-Kolleg Torgau“ [Torgau International College of Homeopathy Registered Association]in 2008.
Continuing education in classical homeopathy by Alize Timmerman (The Netherlands), Massimo Mangialavori (Italy), Anne Schadde (Germany), Divya Chhabra (India), Rajan Sankaran (India), Jayesh Shah (India), Jonathan Shore (USA), Mahesh Gandhi (Indien), Jane Tara Cicchetti (USA), Dr. Michal Yakir (Israel).
SHZ (Stiftung Homöopathie Zertifikat) certification as homeopath, lecturer and supervisor from 2009 to 2013; in 2014 she left this organisation.